Dec 5, 2011

Sangha-dana at Global Vipassana Pagoda

A Sangha-dana has been arranged at Global Vipassana Pagoda on 12 January 2012, Thursday ,at 11 am. About 150 venerable monks from Thailand are coming to India on pilgrimage, and will reach Global Vipassana Pagoda on 11 January 2012 in the evening. Sayagyi U Goenka will be present during the Sangha-dana.
Vipassana meditators wishing to benefit and share merits from taking part in this Sangha-dana may contact: 1). Mrs. Madhuben Savla, Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri, India. Pin Code-422 403, Tel: [91] (02553) 244076; Email: 2). Mrs. Amitaben Parekh, Mobile: 098200-76958, Mumbai. Email:
May all venerable monks and nuns reach their final goal of full liberation in this very lifetime.
Sadhu. Sadhu.Sadhu.