Jan 1, 2025

Mind Book - The Mind Age Version

The Dhamma Service for the Second Sasana (era) of Vipassana:

Cover of paperback


 Cover of paperback.   Click on image to     enlarge.

Himalaya Putra has made available for free the eBook format of the Mind Book - The Mind Age Version * 

Read here the re-written, corrected, more detailed version of The Mind Book:

Mind Book - The Mind Age Version 

(pdf file - open in Acrobat, Chrome or other browser)

      Prologue         Vipassana Birth

 Chapter 1       Moment   … this moment of being with reality………Pg 12

        *Atomic Clock Within * Path of Nature *Impermanence

                           *Facing Reality *This Moment is Everything * Inner Blackmailer

                              *Universe Within *Machinery of your Mind * Beyond Fear

Chapter 2       Mind Age  using the power of your mind………… Pg 25

                        *Self-Surgery of the Mind *The Mind Age *Mind Exercise * Anapana Meditation for Children *Children Q&A *Mind’s Renunciation Frontier – The Beatles in Rishikesh, India *The Real Wealth *Hell of Anger *Tikapatthana Treasure *Volition

Chapter 3       Medium   … to the inner revolution of freedomPg 42

`                      *Sayagyi U Goenka *Realities beyond Conventional Science

                  *Dhamma Protection *Compassion at Work *Dhamma Advisor

                *Bombay *Vipassana Masterpieces in English – Without

                Mastery of English * "Sayagyi" *Mad Puppy Ego-destroyer

Chapter 4        Movie   to going beyond apparent realities……….Pg 62

                       *Non-Reality *True Love *Wisdom Gained vs Wisdom Applied

                             *Happiness Expert *Groundhog Day *Messengers of Reality?

                          *Disintegrating the Delusions                      

     Chapter 5       Mountains, Tapovan  ... life in the Himalayas... Pg 74

                             *Himalayan Tapovan *Dhammaṃ Saranaṃ Gacchāmi                                                             *Dhamma Tapovana *Tapovan, Rishikesh *Subtler                                                                    Realities *Deadly False Compassion

   Chapter 6        Master Key … to real happiness ………………….  Pg 85

                    *Sampajañña *First Meeting with Goenkaji *Satipaṭṭhāna

                      * Freedom from the Sweet Poison *The Parrot and the Hunter                                      * Upside Down Mundane World  *We Make Our World

Chapter   7    Mettā   ..the most beneficial force in the universePg 99

                       *Mettā-Bhāvanā *Goenkaji’s Residence, February 1, 2007

                       *Death *Himalayan Gods and Demons * Mettā Power

                       *Conflicts *First Noble Truth *Q&A *Muditā

                           *What happens at Death?

Epilogue         Dhamma Asoka
                              Mind Book - The Mind Age Version 

* For those preferring to read the traditional book format, buy the paperback via Amazon (and other online sellers) in India, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, France, Poland, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Singapore and Japan. (Sales proceeds donated to the Global Vipassana Foundation, Mumbai, India).

Sales proceeds and 100% of writer's royalty from the paperback is directly remitted from White Falcon Publishing (Mind Book-The Mind Age Version publisher) to the Axis Bank account of the Global Vipassana Foundation. In effect, you donate to the Global Vipassana Pagoda that exists to share Vipassana for centuries.

Read for free, the updated eBook

                     The Wisdom Book  (Mind Book - Part 2)  

May all beings be liberated

Jul 25, 2024

The Wisdom Book - Compendium of Q & A from Vipassana Acharya S.N. Goenka

(Scheduled to be auto-posted on July 25, 2024)

The Wisdom Book completes The Mind Book project, as the concluding sequel.

The Wisdom Book became a reality with Dhamma forces and protector guardians of the Second Sasana. It was finished in one-fourth of the expected months for this one-of-a-kind Vipassana project. 

In record time, the Wisdom Book was first published in Project Gutenberg's World Public Library (World Library Book ID: WPLBN0100750274), the world's largest aggregator of publications. The World Library Foundation takes weeks to approve or reject manuscripts. It accepted the Wisdom Book for publication in four hours. 

The World Library Foundation in Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) kindly emailed the same night after receiving the manuscript: "Your publication is now being distributed throughout the Cloud Library Network...As part of the Author's Community, your publications (The Wisdom Book and The Mind Book) become simultaneously listed in our thousands of affiliated local public libraries and college libraries around the world."

The work of Dhamma. "The Time-Clock of Vipassana has struck" - Sayagyi U Ba Khin.


The death cries of one-and-a-half-year-old Alphie Phillips have been haunting me while meditating in the Himalayas. His drug-addicted mother beat him to death. The police in Kent, England, found 70 injuries in the toddler’s body. For Alphie, and for violently abused children like him, this eBook came into being.

The Wisdom Book encourages Vipassana practice – the proven ancient way out of addictions, anger, violence, depression - the way out of suffering.  If tormented adults can free themselves from their inner demons, the world becomes safer for children.

The Wisdom Book completes the  ‘Mind Book  – Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas, A Vipassana Journey’, with the way the Principal Teacher of Vipassana S.N. Goenka ended his public talks: questions and answers (Q&A) session.

During Goenkaji’s lifetime, I compiled the original Q&A section (Storehouse of Answers) in the Vipassana website from Dhamma Giri. This was while serving with him for a decade from 1996.  The Wisdom Book has widened the sources for Goenkaji's answers – his compassionate insights on living a beneficial life through Vipassana practice.


This compendium with Acharya Goenka’s penetrating answers covers a wide range of questions on life: addiction, relationships, craving, equanimity, anger, depression, meditation, mind, true love, individual and social change, real happiness, religion. The Wisdom Book includes questions on the impact of Vipassana, Dhamma Service, what happens at death and more.

Vipassana is the path of reality, of practical wisdom from experience – wisdom beyond doubt, wisdom that transforms life – of individuals and countries.

As Goenkaji reminded us, the real answers are within. This book serves as a calling to Vipassana practice that leads you to experience the subtlest answers.

May answers from your Vipassana practice lead to your final destination of real happiness: the indescribable experience beyond impermanence, beyond all suffering.


Part -1

*Addiction…pg 8   *Anger…14  *Daily Life… 17  *Depression…25  *Corporate World…27  *Governments…pg 33  *Prisons and Crime…39  

*Relationships…pg 45  *Religion…47  *Death, Rebirth…50  *Rites and Rituals… 52 *Society… 54  *Anapana Revolution in Schools…pg 55

*Sharing Vipassana…pg  61  *Sex… 63  *Supernatural Powers…65  *Vibrations…69 *Mantras… 70  *Atma/Soul…70  *Vipassana and Yoga… 73   *Danāpg 76

*Vipassana (Why Meditate?)…pg 78  *Attachment… 92  *Happiness… 98 *Insomnia…103  *Cause and Effect…104       *Mind…107  *Buddha… pg 112

*Craving… pg 123 *True Renunciation… 127  *Dhamma…128  *Ego…135  *Enlightenment…138  *Equanimity…140  *Food… pg 143  

*Global Vipassana Pagoda…pg 147  *God… 150  *Sīla (ethics, morality)… 152    *Noble Truths…159  *Other Meditation Practices…163 *Hypnotism… pg 166

                                                            Part -2

Clarifications on Vipassana Practicepg 169,  Mettā …pg 179

Part – 3

 Q & A on Dhamma Servicepg 181


*Development of Dhamma Giri …Pages 23, 24, 44, 90,152

*The Lady who saved the Sasana...Pg 35

*The Missile Scientist and the CIA Spy…Pg 38

*The Story of a Photograph….68

*Ganges of Dhamma Flows Again… 82

*Was the Buddha a Pessimist?...117

*Emperor Asoka and Vipassana in Bairath, Rajasthan…133

*Mr ‘A’ Experiences Nibbāna…190

*What Happens at Death? …197

*The Passing of the Day….Pg 200


Available Free to read, share. Click here to open the e-book in pdf / Google Chrome, other browsers The Wisdom Book

or scan  QR code:

May all beings be liberated. 😊