The Dhamma Service for the Second Sasana (era) of Vipassana:
Cover of paperback. Click on image to enlarge.
Himalaya Putra has made available for free the eBook format of the Mind Book - The Mind Age Version *.
Read here the re-written, corrected, more detailed version of The Mind Book:
Mind Book - The Mind Age Version
(pdf file - open in Acrobat, Chrome or other browser)
Prologue Vipassana Birth
Chapter 1 Moment … this moment of being with reality………Pg 12
*Atomic Clock Within * Path of Nature *Impermanence
*Facing Reality *This Moment is Everything * Inner Blackmailer
Within *Machinery of
your Mind * Beyond Fear
2 Mind Age … using the power of your
mind………… Pg 25
*Self-Surgery of the Mind *The Mind Age *Mind Exercise * Anapana Meditation for Children *Children Q&A *Mind’s Renunciation Frontier – The Beatles in Rishikesh, India *The Real Wealth *Hell of Anger *Tikapatthana Treasure *Volition
Chapter 3 Medium … to
the inner revolution of freedom…Pg 42
` *Sayagyi U Goenka *Realities beyond Conventional Science
Protection *Compassion at Work
*Dhamma Advisor
*Bombay *Vipassana
Masterpieces in English – Without
Mastery of English * "Sayagyi" *Mad Puppy Ego-destroyer
Chapter 4 Movie … to
going beyond apparent realities……….Pg 62
*Non-Reality *True Love *Wisdom Gained vs Wisdom Applied
*Happiness Expert *Groundhog Day *Messengers of Reality?
*Disintegrating the
Chapter 5 Mountains, Tapovan ... life in the Himalayas... Pg
*Himalayan Tapovan *Dhammaṃ Saranaṃ Gacchāmi *Dhamma Tapovana *Tapovan, Rishikesh *Subtler Realities *Deadly False Compassion
Chapter 6 Master Key … to real happiness …………………. Pg 85
*Sampajañña *First Meeting with Goenkaji *Satipaṭṭhāna
* Freedom from the Sweet Poison *The Parrot and the Hunter * Upside Down Mundane World *We Make Our World
Chapter 7 Mettā ..the most beneficial force in the universe…Pg 99
*Mettā-Bhāvanā *Goenkaji’s Residence, February 1, 2007
*Himalayan Gods and Demons * Mettā Power
*Conflicts *First
Noble Truth *Q&A *Muditā
*What happens at Death?
Epilogue Dhamma Asoka
Mind Book - The Mind Age Version
* For those preferring to read the traditional book format, buy the paperback via Amazon (and other online sellers) in India, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, France, Poland, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Singapore and Japan. (Sales proceeds donated to the Global Vipassana Foundation, Mumbai, India).
Sales proceeds and 100% of writer's royalty from the paperback is directly remitted from White Falcon Publishing (Mind Book-The Mind Age Version publisher) to the Axis Bank account of the Global Vipassana Foundation. In effect, you donate to the Global Vipassana Pagoda that exists to share Vipassana for centuries.
Read for free, the updated eBook:
The Wisdom Book (Mind Book - Part 2)
May all beings be liberated