Oct 20, 2023

The Mind Book

 (scheduled to be auto-posted in October, 2023)

- an unique book for humanity, to serve all beings.

The Mind Book was first published in year 2023 as an e-book through Project Gutenberg (Book ID WPLBN0100750199). Available for free from the World Library's Cloud Network , the Mind Book became listed in thousands of affiliated local public libraries and college libraries around the world.

The printed book version sales proceeds are fully donated to the Corpus Fund of the Global Vipassana Pagoda, Mumbai, India.

You can read the corrected, updated version of The Mind Book, available free for all, from link below:

 The Mind Book - Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas: a Vipassana Journey


Chapter 1          This Moment    of being with reality                          Pg 12
Chapter 2          Master Key to real happiness                                   Pg 26
Chapter 3          Medium   to the inner revolution of freedom            Pg 42
Chapter 4          Movie   to going beyond apparent reality,
                                            Groundhog Day                                             Pg 66
Chapter 5          Mountains, Tapovan  ... life in the Himalayas              Pg 79
Chapter 6          Mind Age   using the power of your mind                 Pg 92
Chapter 7          Mettā   the most beneficial force in the cosmos          Pg 110

Historical Note: 'The Mind Book - Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas: a Vipassana Journey was made possible with the Dhamma dana  from a senior Vipassana meditator who worked closely with the Principal Teacher Sayagyi U Goenka in the Global Vipassana Pagoda project. Goenkaji in July, 2009 - in the last meeting with him in this life - had instructed the author to meet that senior meditator serving the Global Pagoda. Days later, they met once for a brief conversation in Nariman Point, Mumbai - during a Global Vipassana Foundation meeting of those serving in the Global Pagoda. The Mind Book has been published now 14 years later as a result.

May you gain all benefits.

To read, share:  The Mind Book


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